At Postcard Row, we love to read! Our bookmark needlepoint canvases were born out of our shared love of reading and monthly book clubs. We decided to design an ever-growing line of choose-your-own-adventure needlepoint bookmarks for those curious and crafty stitchers as well.
Our needlepoint bookmarks will be a permanent feature of our collection, as we firmly feel that you can never have enough books, and bookmarks by extension.

These bookmark needlepoint canvases are stitch painted in black and white so that you, the stitcher, can feel free to choose your own adventure. You can either buy thread colors and combinations that you have always wanted to try or use this as a stash buster to use up threads that you had to buy and no longer have any use for! The choice is yours. We’ve tested it, and you can even use lighter colored thread over the black text if that’s your preference!

These needlepoint bookmarks are the perfect needlepoint project for beginners because they (can) have minimal colors and are a small enough project to not leave a beginner stitcher feeling discouraged!

For more experienced stitchers, the amount of background on our needlepoint bookmark canvases also give you a chance to practice some decorative stitches on a simple design but not by an overwhelming amount.
We hope these bring you as much joy as they have to us!
Bridget and Isabella